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Videos vs. Images: What You Should Use for Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

According to present marketing trends, social media is the best platform to engage the audience, but what is the best source of influence among image and video on social media?

Social media is the platform where a huge number of people are found and you can make a good reach for your business. In that, you can make use of both the images and the videos to showcase your business. In the busy business world, video marketing is the hottest and the buzzwords that are found among the marketing enthusiastic peoples. The video carries some priceless things within few seconds and people will have an option for sharing their stories, information that shares the business to the others.

One simple stat that shows the difference between the images and videos:

A survey was taken and the result was found that around 52% of the

markets feel that the video is more efficient and offers the

best result whereas 48% of them started vice versa.

Why images?

Builds credibility and brand: When you need to build the business credibility when the customerโ€™s needs to be attracted with the images initially. The potential buyer will be able to note the details available in the picture and they will come into conclusion. Also, if the quality of the image is high, it automatically states some value for the product or service.

Tells stories: Pictures are something that will be able to say more stories just by grabbing attention for a few seconds. This explains the whole productโ€™s efficiency and also some points to make easy remembrance.

Customerโ€™s perspectives encouraged: Only if the people are interested over your business or the images, they will be sharing the image. This will create some credibility among the other customers. Also, you can have a certain opinion about your products.

Why videos?

Boost conversion rate: Videos are efficient enough for making a profit. It is found that useful videos are efficient enough for having a conversion of about 80%. Also, with the video marketing, it is possible to explain the entire concept of the product and because of that, around 74% of the people gain interest over the product and purchase them.

Factor to build trust: Trust is the foundation for the generation of leads. When you have some videos that exactly explain the effect of your business, it is possible to make some audience as your potential customers. Around 57% of the people reported that they gained more interest and they bought the product just by watching their videos on the social platforms.

Your customers stay on your site: When it is an image, it is enough to spends very less time. When it is the video, the customer will need to spend more time watching the videos and that will offer a clear idea on the video. Further, this is also the instance that brings the top in the search engine result pages. When considering Google, you are 53 times likely to stand at the top with effective videos.

The result:

Both images and the videos are the best sources for social media marketing that make the best ways to encourage your customers. When looking for the comparison, videos are few percent, tops with more benefits. However, making some research and implementing with intense care will be the best option for positive results.

Image Credit: Pexels

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